Outlands Scribes Handbook


Appendix 1 : Rulers of the Outlands

Here follows a listing of all the past rulers of the geographic area that became the Kingdom of the Outlands. This information may be useful in doing a back scroll, and otherwise just makes interesting trivia.

Kings and Queens of the Outlands

See the current list on the Outlands Wimble Website

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Kings and Queens of the West who ruled the Outlands

  1. Caradoc and Amie - April 4 1969 (AS 3)
  2. Siegfried and Sumer -May 17 1969 (AS 4)
  3. Henrik and Leanne - August 17 1969 (AS 4)
  4. Stefan and Luise - January 3 1970 (AS 4)
  5. Stephan and Astrid - April 25 1970 (AS 4)
  6. Henrik and Leanne - August 1 1970 (AS 5)
  7. Jean and Ellen - January 8 1971 (AS 5)

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Kings and Queens of Atenveldt who ruled the Outlands

  1. Richard and Felicia - January 16 1971 (AS 5)
  2. Arthur and Irving - June 22 1971 (AS 6)
  3. Joseph and Kathleen - December 3 1971 (AS 6)
  4. Stephen and Shannon - June 18 1972 (AS 7)
  5. Arthur and Lorelei - December 2 1972 (AS 7)
  6. Reynard and Kathleen - April 14 1973 (AS 7)
  7. Robert and Sequora - September 29 1973 (AS 8)
  8. Reynard II and Kathleen - June 22 1974 (AS 9)
  9. Robert II and Sequora - January 12 1975 (AS 9)
  10. Pontius and Sharazon - June 22 1975 (AS 10)
  11. Denis and Samantha - December 13 1975 (AS 10)
  12. Deaton and Care-Cheri - June 6 1976 (AS 11)
  13. Jonathon and Lyn - December 18 1976 (AS 11)
  14. Deaton (regent) - February 1977 (AS 11)
  15. Deaton II and Care-Cheri - March 13 1977 (AS 11)
  16. Ton and Elizabeth - August 13 1977 (AS 12)
  17. Koris and Leah - December 17 1977 (AS 12)
  18. Johann and Malinda - May 6 1978 (AS 13)
  19. Jonathan and Willow - September 9 1978 (AS 13)
  20. Theo and Selene - March 3 1979 (AS 13)
  21. Koris II and Leah - July 21 1979 (AS 14)
  22. Heinrich and Sara - January 5 1980 (AS 14)
  23. Einrich and Shaleaya - June 7 1980 (AS 15)
  24. Johann II and Malinda - December 6 1980 (AS 15)
  25. Albert and Selene - June 20 1981 (AS 16)
  26. Amayot and Kerensa - December 5 1981 (AS AS 16)
  27. Einrich II and Myrby - May 30 1982 (AS 17)
  28. Dafydd and Lyn - December 4 1982 (AS 17)
  29. Einrich (regent) - June 3 1983 (AS 18)
  30. Christopher and Constance - June 4 1983 (AS 18)
  31. Trelon and Trude - December 3 1983 (AS 18)
  32. Freana and Richenda - June 2 1984 (AS 19)
  33. Micah and Thamzine - December 1 1984 (AS 19)
  34. Brion and Adriana - June 1 1985 (AS 20)
  35. Trelon and Daphne - December 7 1985 (AS 20)
  36. Brion II and Anna - June 7 1986 (AS 21)

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Lords and Ladies of the Outlands

  1. Ton and Elizabeth - May 26 1974 (AS 9)
  2. Ton and Elizabeth (2) - May 25 1975 (AS 10)
  3. Bren and Simonetta - February 14 1976 (AS 10)
  4. Ulrich and Roxanne - May 31 1976 (AS 11)
  5. Stephan and Penelope - November 14 1976 (AS 11)

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Princes and Princesses of the Outlands

  1. Gunwaldt and Aislinn - May 29 1977 (AS 12)
  2. Heinrich and Lorene - December 17 1977 (AS 12)
  3. Wielhelm and Megan - July 8 1978 (AS 13)
  4. Heinrich and Irminsul - December 30 1978 (AS 13)
  5. Robin and Beau - June 30 1979 (AS 14)
  6. Ronald and Andreah - January 19 1980 (AS 14)
  7. Gunwaldt and Aelflaed - July 5 1980 (AS 15)
  8. Kveldulf and Katlin - January 17 1981 (AS 15)
  9. Stefan and Beau - July 5 1981 (AS 16)
  10. Robert and Leah - January 23 1982 (AS 16)
  11. William and Caryn - July 25 1982 (AS 17)
  12. Montegar and Irminsul - January 15 1983 (AS 17)
  13. Eldr and Angelica - August 20 1983 (AS 18)
  14. Michael and Keridwen - January 21 1984 (AS 18)
  15. Eldr and Angelica (regents) - March 11 1984 (AS 18)
  16. Aelfgar and Bronwyn - April 28 1984 (AS 18)
  17. Michael and Keridwen - November 17 1984 (AS 19)
  18. Beryld and Allocen - May 4 1985 (AS 20)
  19. Johann and Andreah - December 14 1985 (AS 20)

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