Outlands Scribes Handbook

Aspen of Caerthe (CAC)
[Precedence: Award of Arms] (Service)

What for: Awarded to those persons who have given outstanding service to the Barony.
Badge: Sable, on a sun throughout Or an aspen leaf vert.

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Aspen - Caerthe

Scroll Text:

We, _____ and _____, Baron and Baroness of Caerthe, unto all who come to read these present letters, send Greetings.

Know all that ________ has this day been admitted to the Order of the Aspen in recognition of [his/her/their] service to the Barony of Caerthe {especially in or as...}. Henceforth [he/she/they] shall have all of the rights and bear the responsibilities of a Companion of the Order {including the right to bear the badge of the Order, to wit: Sable, on a sun throughout Or an aspen leaf vert, that all may know of the esteem in which [he/she/they] is held.}

Done by our hands, this [date] day of [month], Anno Societatis _____, being ______ in the common reckoning of years.


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Black Glove of Caerthe (CBGC)
[Precedence: Non-armigerous award] (Combined talents: Martial/A&S)

What for: Given for having exhibited a combined talent in all the following: the art of rattan fighting, the art of rapier fighting and in the arts and sciences.
Badge: Or, a glove within a bordure embattled sable.

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Black Glove - Caerthe Black Glove - Caerthe

Scroll Text:

We, ____and ____, Baron and Baroness of Caerthe, unto all nobles and gentles to whom these letters may come, Greetings.

Know that the strength of a Barony lies within its people. Worthy indeed are those gentles who demonstrate strength throughout diverse means, for through them, the Barony shines like a beacon across the plains. The Order of the Black Glove of Caerthe was instituted to recognize those who have demonstrated skill in the Arts of War, namely armored combat as well as the art of the rapier, as well as skills in archery, along with excellence in the Arts and Sciences.

Hence it is that we name _____ as a Companion of the Black Glove of Caerthe in recognition of [his/her/their] skill. {_______shall have the right to bear the badge of the Order, to wit: [Or, a glove within a bordure embattled sable], that all may know the esteem in which [he/she/they] is held.}.

Done by our hands, this __________ day of ______________, Anno Societatis ______, being ____________in the common reckoning of years.


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Cordon of Honor of Caerthe (CCHC)
[Precedence: Non-armigerous award] (Service to the baronial coronets)

What for: Given to those gentles who have rendered personal service to the Baron and Baroness.
Insignia: A lanyard of gold, black and green cords.

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Scroll Text:

We, _____ and _____, Baron and Baroness of Caerthe, unto all nobles and gentles to whom these letters may come, Greetings.

Know ye that whereas we perceive that it is becoming to our station that we should exalt with singular honors those who show themselves constant in our service,

Hence it is that we name _______ as a bearer of the Cordon of Honor as a sign of our favor. Thus the merits of these inward virtues may be outwardly confirmed, and may, by example, allure to many virtuous deeds.

Done by our hands, this _____ day of _____, Anno Societatis _____, being _____ in the common reckoning of years.


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Coronet's Smile (HCS)
[Precedence: Non-armigerous award] (Service and/or Creating Joy)

What for: Given to any persons, from in or out of the Barony, who have demonstrated great service, or by their actions increased the enjoyment of an event.
Badge: Proposed: (Fieldless) On an aspen leaf vert, a feather palewise argent.
Notes: Select Option 1 or Option 2 as appropriate

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Scroll Text:

Within the Barony of Caerthe an award has been established to recognize any person from within or outside of the Barony who has demonstrated great service, provided the excellent demonstration of an art of fighting form, who by their presence and actions have brought smiles, laughter and joy to members of the populace of Caerthe. This award is known as the Coronet's Smile.

(Option 1 - Members of the Barony)
Within our Barony one of our populace stands out. Not by doing any one of the deeds listed, this subject does them all and [his/her/their] presence greatly enriches our Barony.

(Option 2 - Anyone not a member of the Barony)
Outside the borders of our Barony one of the populace of the Kingdom of the Outlands. Not by doing any one of the deeds listed, this subject does them all and [his/her/their] presence greatly enriches our Barony.

Therefore, on this day, we __________ and __________, Baron and Baroness of Caerthe choose to recognize __________ as a holder of the Coronet's Smile.

By Our hands on this ____ day of ____, Anno Societatis ____, being ____ in the common reckoning.


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Dreamer's Cup (CDCC)
[Precedence: Non-armigerous award] (Conduct)

What for:
Badge: Per bend Or and vert, an aspen leaf and a goblet counter-changed.

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Dreamer's Cup - Caerthe

Scroll Text:

Given to those persons who, being at all times an example of chivalry, gentility, nobility and authenticity, are most exemplary in the conduct of themselves, to the greater credit and worth of Caerthe.

Badge: Per bend Or and vert, an aspen leaf and a goblet counter-changed.

Unto all who come by these present letters do we, __________ and ___________, Baron and Baroness of Caerthe, send Greetings.

It is our duty and our pleasure to recognize those who, by their words and deeds, shine forth as an example of all that is noble, gentle, and chivalrous, to the greater credit and worth of this Barony of Caerthe. Thus it is that we this day create ___________ a Companion of the Order of the Dreamer's Cup. We hereby confer {him/her/their} the right to bear the insignia of the order, to wit: Per bend Or and vert, an aspen leaf and a goblet counter-changed. We further charge _________ to continue {his/her/their} good works and to serve as an inspiration to all.

Done by our hands this _____ day of _________ (month), Anno Societas _____, being _________ in the common reckoning of years.


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Order of Evan Mawr (SDR)
[Precedence: Non-armigerous award] (Inspiration)

What for: Given to those persons who by deed and example inspire all members of the populace of the Barony of Caerthe to pursue the dream and to exemplify the noble spirit and persona of the Middle Ages.
Badge: Or, a dragon passant gules and a chief embattled sable.
Notes: Memorial Award: Master Evan Mawr

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Scroll Text:

Unto all who come by these present letters do we, _________ and ___________, Baron and Baroness of Caerthe, send Greetings.

It is our duty and our pleasure to recognize those who, by their words and deeds, bring credit upon themselves and serve as an example to all in the accuracy of the creation and in the living of their persona. Their actions bring great credit and worth to this Barony of Caerthe. Thus it is that we this day create __________ a recipient of the Order of Evan to be styled as a Sojourner of the Draig Rhudd, this being Red Dragon in Welch. We hereby confer {him/her/their} the right to bear the insignia of the order, to wit: Or, a dragon passant gules and a chief embattled sable. We further charge _________ to continue their good example and as did the namesake of this order, Master Evan Mawr, continue to serve as an inspiration to all.

Done by our hands this _____ day of _________(month), Anno Societatis _____, being _____ in the common reckoning of years.


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Excellence of Caerthe (CEC)
[Precedence: Non-armigerous award] (Hospitality)

What for: Given for demonstrating noble attributes of worth: Ideals of the Society, Hospitality, Valor, and Integrity
Insignia: Shall be a token of the Baron & Baroness' choosing, suggested to be an Aspen Leaf with the Baron & Baroness' initials.

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Scroll Text:

May it be proclaimed throughout Our Lands, and to the very corners of the Known World that We, _________ and __________, Baron and Baroness of fair Caerthe send greetings.

Having weighed well the works and labors of one, who has given greatly and unstintingly of [his/her/their] skills and energies for the benefit of all Caerthe {, especially in (DEEDS)}.

We are minded to make unto __________ a Companion of the Order of Excellence in Hospitality in recognition of [his/her/their] worthy nature. We further entreat [him/her/their] to continue to shine as a glimmering example of Hospitality throughout the Known World.

In testimony whereof We have set Our Hand(s) this______ day of, ____________ AS, being ______ in the common reckoning of years.


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Gilded Leaf of Caerthe (CGL)
[Precedence: Award of Arms] (Arts and Sciences)

What for: Awarded for excellence and contributions to the Barony in the area of the arts and sciences.
Badge: Sable, an aspen leaf inverted Or.

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GildedLeaf- Caerthe

Scroll Text:

We, ______ and ______, Baron and Baroness of Caerthe, unto all who come to read these present letters, send Greetings.

Know all that ______ has this day been admitted to the Order of the Gilded Leaf in recognition of [his/her/their] contribution to the Arts and Sciences in the Barony of Caerthe {especially in or as...}.

Henceforth [he/she/they] shall have all of the rights and bear the responsibilities of a Companion of the Order {including the right to bear the badge of the Order, to wit: Sable, an aspen leaf inverted Or, that all may know of the esteem in which [he/she/they] is held.}

Done by our hands, this ____ day of _____, Anno Societatis ____, being _____ in the common reckoning of years.


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Green Tree of Caerthe (Page or Maid)
[Precedence: Non-armigerous award] (Youth)

What for: Awarded to those members fifteen years of age or less, whose consistent conduct and achievements reflect the ideals of the Society, through their service to the Barony, or by achievements in the Arts & Sciences, and by being exemplars of chivalry and general courtesy.
Badge: (Fieldless) An aspen tree proper issuant from an egg fesswise fracted Or.

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Scroll Text:

Unto all who come by these letters do we, ______ and ______, Baron and Baroness of Caerthe, send Greetings.

Recognizing that the future of our Barony lies in the hands of its young people, it is thus our duty and pleasure to recognize those young men and women whose efforts have enriched our lands.

Therefore do we this day name ________ a Companion of the Green Tree of Caerthe, and shall be styled a [Maid/Page] of Caerthe, and charge [him/her/them] to continue [his/her/their] good works.

Done by our hands, this ____ day of _____, Anno Societatis ____, being _____ in the common reckoning of years.


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Keystone of Caerthe (CKC)
[Precedence: Non-armigerous award] (20 yrs. service)

What for: Given to those gentles who have given Twenty years of Service to the Barony.
Badge: Sable, a keystone within a bordure embattled Or.

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Keystone - Caerthe Keystone - Caerthe

Scroll Text:

Unto all who come by these letters do we, _____ and _____, Baron and Baroness of Caerthe, send Greetings.

Know ye that there are those who show themselves constant and long-standing in their service to the Barony, its Coronet, and its people; even as the years and toil of time lay low their bodies and minds, they continue to serve in whatever diminished capacity remains to them.

Hence it is that we name _____ as a Companion of the Keystone of Caerthe in recognition of [his/her/their] longstanding service to the Barony of Caerthe {especially in or as…}. ____ shall have the right to bear the badge of the Order, to wit: Sable, a keystone within a bordure embattled Or, that all may know the esteem in which [he/she/they] is held. We further charge ____ to continue to take up [his/her/their] burdens, using whatever ability remains, and serve as an example of service within the Barony to all others.

Done by our hands, this ______ day of ______, Anno Societatis _____, being _____ in the common reckoning of years.


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Jubilant Pride of Caerthe (CJP)
[Precedence: Non-armigerous award] (Joviality)

What for: Given for those persons who, through their words, deeds and demeanor contribute to levity and joviality, serving to inspire positivity within the Barony.
Badge: Or, a pomme between three lions rampant in annulo, and a bordure embattled sable

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Scroll Text:

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Pilgrim of Caerthe (CPC)
[Precedence: Non-armigerous award] (Disguishment at foreign wars)

What for: Given for distinguishing themselves, and bringing honor to the Barony and the Kingdom, at foreign War.
Badge: (Fieldless) On an escallop sable an aspen leaf Or.

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Pilgrim - Caerthe

Scroll Text:

Zephyrs blow gently over the lands, carrying to the very corners of the Known World words of, _________ and __________, Baron and Baroness of fair Caerthe, who by the Grace of Their Royal Majesties, send greetings.

There is one such person who has distinguished [himself/herself/themselves], and brought honor to the Barony and thus the Kingdom, at a foreign war.

Having weighed well the actions of one, who has traveled far beyond the boundaries of our Kingdom, We are minded to make a Companion of the Pilgrim of Caerthe in recognition of [his/her/their] worthy nature. We further entreat [him/her/them] to continue to shine as an example of honor throughout the Known World.

In testimony whereof We have set Our Hand(s) this _____ day of ________ (month), Anno Societas _____, being _____ in the common reckoning of years.


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Sable Destrier of Caerthe (CSDC)
[Precedence: Award of Arms] (Equestrian)

What for: Awarded for exceptional abilities in the equestrian arts.
Badge: Two lances crossed in saltire vert surmounted by a horse's head erased contourny sable.

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Sable Destrier - Caerthe Sable Destrier - Caerthe

Scroll Text:

We, ______ and ______, Baron and Baroness of Caerthe, send riders to all with these tidings.

Know all that _______ has this day been admitted to the Order of the Sable Destrier in recognition of [his/her/their] contribution to the Equestrian Arts in the Barony of Caerthe {especially in or as…}.

Henceforth [he/she/they] shall have all of the rights and bear the responsibilities of a Companion of the Order. {, including the right to bear the badge of the Order, to wit: Two lances crossed in saltire vert surmounted by a horse's head erased contourney sable, that all may know of the esteem in which [he/she/they] is held.}.

Done by our hands this ____day of _____, Anno Societatis ______, being ______ in the common reckoning of years.


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Sable Lion of Caerthe (CSLC)
[Precedence: Award of Arms] (All Martial Arts)

What for: Awarded for exceptional abilities in the fighting arts, both in the teaching and in the use of traditional SCA-style weaponry.
Badge: (Fieldless) Two swords crossed in saltire gules surmounted by a lion's head erased sable.

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Sable Lion - Caerthe

Scroll Text:

We, ______ and ______, Baron and Baroness of Caerthe, unto all who come to read these present letters, send Greetings.

Know all that _______ has this day been admitted to the Order of the Sable Lion in recognition of [his/her/their] contribution to the Martial Arts in the Barony of Caerthe {especially in or as...}.

Henceforth [he/she/they] shall have all of the rights and bear the responsibilities of a Companion of the Order {including the right to bear the badge of the Order, to wit: Two swords crossed in saltire gules surmounted by a lion's head erased sable, that all may know of the esteem in which [he/she/they] is held.}

Done by our hands, this ____ day of _____, Anno Societatis ____, being _____ in the common reckoning of years.


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